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Circle of Fifths

FAWM is back, and here is my first effort.  Actually, it is my second effort, but I finished this one first.  I’m going to try to make more polished recordings this year than I did last year, but I didn’t want to miss out on the first day, so I did what I could with the time I had.

There is a musical puzzle in the lyrics of verses 1, 3, and 4.  Let me know if you get it.

©2011 by Stephen G Brown

Well the circle of Fifths keeps on turning
I catch a glimpse of the sun in her hair
She says “five” I say “one” we reach four, we’re not done
We sit around the fire with the children, and we’re home

Wind whipped the waves in the water
And the same wind it tangled her hair
I was just mesmorized by the light in her eyes
So I held her hand and I never let it go

One night we sit by the fire
Four children nod off to sleep
Seven o’clock, then three hours gone
Six a.m. drinking two cups
My five fingers wrapping her hands

One word I offer is even
The reason you’re sick suffering too
and if I’ve become one afford me a sea venture
there even music’s got to survive the throne

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Rhymes with Orange

I wrote this song for FAWM 2010 (see  I only did four songs for FAWM, but it was four more than I would otherwise have written.  I recorded the song using my iPhone and GigBaby (I’ve since moved on to GigDaddy).  It’s rough, but it’s magical.

I should say that I’ve had complaints about whether or not I am legitimately rhyming “orange”.  I don’t sing it well here, but if you want to take a crack, the trick first to pronounce “orange” like “ore-ange” not “are-ange”, then use the syllables thus: “or-ange-though”, “poor-ban-jo”, “more-an-jer”.  It really works, you just have to practice.  I didn’t practice enough before recording.

I had the first half of a third verse in my head for a long time.  I just finished writing the verse so I could post it here, but haven’t recorded it yet.  Here’s the recording:

©2010 Stephen G Brown

Green’s my favourite color
It might as well be orange, though
Neither one would look so good
Painted on my poor banjo
And if you want to play her right
You’re going to have to practice more
And your gonna play a lot better
If you never let her
Languish on the floor

Now green is nice
But that don’t mean that I don’t like purple
Lovely colour of the kings
But I will not usurp
Long as I get left alone
I won’t go Wyatt Earp
Letting Tombstone
Be the seat of my throne
Bad guys in the dirt

Purple, Orange, they’re both nice
But half way in between
Is the color of the rainbow
My favorite to be seen
Red, yellow, blue
Ain’t the worst
Of colors that there have been
But seeing those colors
Makes me wish for others
Bring me back to Green

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There is another section to this song that still resides entirely in my head.  But I haven’t worked out the details on it yet after 3 years, so here is the stable 1.0 release.

It’s nothing but Apple Loops, and my creative genious.

I have no idea what that vocal bit is at the begining (and the end).  I was recording the song, and I accidentally picked up my son saying something in the background.  It fit nicely, so now it is the begining and end of the song.

©2006 Stephen G Brown

It’s like
Every bus is an omnibus
Like every bus is an omnibus
Every bus is an omnibus
Every bus is an omnibus

It’s like
Every bus is an omnibus
Like every bus is an omnibus
Every bus is an omnibus
Every bus is an omnibus

It’s like
Every bus is an omnibus
Like every bus is an omnibus
Every bus is an omnibus
Every bus is an omnibus

It’s like
Every bus is an omnibus
Like every bus is an omnibus
Every bus is an omnibus
Every bus is an omnibus